Less Noise, More Green: Kitchen Reorganization, Part 5: Baking Cabinet

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Kitchen Reorganization, Part 5: Baking Cabinet

This is the fifth part of an eight part series on how I reorganized my kitchen to work more efficiently.

As I have worked my way around the kitchen, reorganizing the cabinets full of food, I have found items that should have been in the baking cabinet and for some reason were not. Into the baking cabinet they went. The result was a very full baking cabinet!

Before the reorganization began, the baking cabinet was full of items that didn't belong like tea and coffee.

I am in this cabinet all the time. When you cook so much from scratch, the number of  ingredients to store and manage can become overwhelming. I need to be able to quickly find what I need without having to remove half the items in the cupboard. I have lots of small items in this cabinet and a wide variety of
ingredients. Once again, the thing to do is divide and conquer!

I pulled everything out and wiped down the shelves. I then grouped the contents by type: Flours and oats, sugars and syrups, dried fruit, nuts, baking ingredients such as chocolate, sprinkles, food coloring and extracts and the items I use all the time - baking powder, soda, vanilla extract and baking spray. I removed some canning supplies, which I put with the home canned items.

After: with non-baking items removed, there is room for ingredients that do belong such as dried fruit, nuts and oats.Mixing bowls were moved on to the counter  under the cabinet .

The flours and oats went back on the top shelf. The sugars and syrups in the middle and on the bottom shelf I put the dried fruit and nuts, the ingredients I use the most and the baking supplies. This last category I put in a container because so many of the items are small. It is also easy moved on and off the shelf when I am looking for an ingredient.

By grouping like items together, finding ingredients is much easier.

With everything sorted and put back, the cabinet doesn't seem overwhelming any more. Half the time it takes to bake something is finding and measuring a fairly long list of ingredients. With all the ingredients in the same place and sorted, this process will be quicker and more enjoyable.

Keeping small like items together in a container keeps the shelf organized..

Next week I'll tackle the worst of my cabinets: pots, pans, baking pans and dishes and small appliances. Lets all say a little prayer!

Happy organizing!


Here are the other posts in this series.

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  1. Such a beautiful kitchen! I'm especially fond of the built in kitchen appliances your kitchen has. I certainly wish mine were as nice as yours!

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