This week was a productive one as far as our edible landscaping project goes. The house is painted so there are no more painters walking on the soil, the final decisions have been made on the shrubs and the purchasing has begun and the brick pathways have been laid.
Some of the plants waiting to be planted in the new garden. |
I am growing a lot of the plants I am going to put in these beds from seed and some of them I've been struggling to keep alive while all the work is being done.My hope is that the shrubs and ground cover will go in this week so I can start planting the rest of my transplants and seeds!
The path I designed is quite formal, reminding me of a traditional herb garden layout. It is actually quite a practical design, allowing me easy access to all sections of the garden. In the middle of each diamond I will place a large ceramic pot which will be filled with lavender.
Lady Lavender |
I'll share information on each of the plants going into the garden as they are planted. This weekend I planted lavender in two pots to be placed on the front steps along with three containers of geraniums - just for some color! Lady Lavender is a compact perennial great for pots or borders. I'm excited to grow lavender this year and use it in recipes and dry it for potpourri.
What's growing right now in my back beds. |
My back garden beds are looking more and more productive and full. I am harvesting radishes and rhubarb, as well as lots of dill which is all volunteer, sprouting up from the bed it was in last year. My cabbage and broccoli starts are settling in and potato leaves have appeared above the soil in six of the eight bags. It looks like we are in for another bumper year for strawberries ( I have to net the plants this week) and the garlic I planted in October is thriving!
Planted so far, in addition to what is mentioned above are scallions, beets, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, bush beans, lettuce and arugula, cilantro, chives, blackberries and blueberries.
Indoors I have peanuts, leeks, tomatoes, tomatillos, ground cherries, peppers, eggplant, cauliflower, swiss chard, sage, rosemary, oregano, thyme, New Zealand Spinach, marigolds, nasturtiums, zinnias, asters, violas, black eyed susans, geraniums and calendula, bee balm, and milkweed getting ready to be planted out.
Yet to come are the summer and winter squashes, brussels sprouts, tuscany kale, poppies, sunflowers, batchelors buttons, morning glories and basil.
I get to rest in November!
How are your gardens progressing?